Friday, November 7, 2008

New things

1. New regime
-this one seems self-explanatory at this point. Hooray!
2. New train
-the bay to LA in 2 or 3 hours?!? Can't wait
3. new bike
-on Wednesday morning, just as I was feeling tense and nervous and excited about watching the election results come in online, my host mom told me her English teacher was giving her a mountain bike. Because his girlfriend moved to Australia. So now I have a SWEET new mountain bike. 
4. new music
-at Tea Ceremony class on Tuesday, Kojiro gave Kendall and me 3 cds of music. But really it was 3 dvds of music, in total almost 9 gigs of mostly japanese techno. So far the best thing is the katamari damacy soundtrack.....
5. New camera
-sometime in mid-september, we were at karaoke (still the only time I have been to karaoke...) and I accidentally dropped my camera. It's worked sort of okay since then, sort of. the lens would freak out all the time, which prevented me from being able to take pictures, and most of the time when the lens wouldn't freak out, it let light in in a funny way. So finally I said screw it and today got a really nice Canon camera that can do all sorts of nifty things. 
6. new regime
-this one can't be understated

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